Endorsements, Reviews, and Blurbs Hands-on Workshop


“I just want to say again how much I have enjoyed this class. Your professional generosity is so refreshing and valuable. I understand this is an industry of content overwhelm, but I think every single person in our class felt seen and personally guided.”

– Pam O’Hara

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Have you been asked to get reviews for your published book?
Have you been told you need endorsements or “blurbs” from well-known names?
Are you ABSOLUTELY AT YOUR WITS END trying to figure out HOW TO GET THESE?

Want to spend 2 hours with fellow authors and ONE WEEK LATER, have your pitch letter, your list of who you are going to ask, everyone’s contact information, AND have SOMEONE ELSE asking for you?

A few weeks ago, I was talking to a client of mine. This client is a Publishers Weekly darling and has a book out by a major publisher and a nice deal for the next book already signed. They told me that getting reviews, blurbs and endorsements was the worst part of their entire life.I was floored.

I cannot believe how many authors struggle with this and I had an idea. What about a buddy system for authors that partners you up with fellow authors and “job shares” asking for reviews and endorsements?

Want to learn the system and NEVER AGAIN HAVE TO ASK SOMEONE TO REVIEW YOUR BOOK? Want someone to find the contact information for you “dream reviewers,” “Bloggers,” and “blurb dream names?

This workshop will take the stress and struggle out of asking for reviews and blurbs at any stage.

What Will We Do During This Class?
  • Uncover and address the mental blocks and doubts that stop us from asking for reviews
  • Create a plan for YOUR book and set goals that meet your needs
  • Generate a starter list of targets and learn how to grow the list on your own after the class is complete
  • Get a BOATLOAD of new tools and sites that will help you find more targets for reviews and blurbs
  • Find a partner or partners to job share the heavy load of asking for blurbs or reviews
  • Learn the best way to work with YOUR OWN STYLE AND PERSONALITY and stop worrying that you are not “doing it right.”
What Will You Get AFTER the Class?
  • Contact information for your list of targets so you can send out the requests
  • Assistance finding someone to help you send out your requests
  • Help polishing your “ask” letters/emails so you get the best results possible
  • 90 days access to a Closed Facebook Group where you can ask Amy questions and get support and help from your fellow authors.

“Asking for review and endorsements is the hardest part of being an author. Every author I know in my groups and online says this is the one thing that they hate the most. That is why we are doing this class.”