What Do Agents Actually DO? – Saturday, Sept 28th at 10 am ET


Why does it take so long to get a response from an agent?
Why don’t they tell me WHY they rejected my book?
What do they actually DO for clients?


AHA has gathered agents from different agencies and genres and brought them together to answer all of your questions. Social Media is FILLED with authors wondering WHAT WILL IT TAKE to get an agent. and WHY DOES IT TAKE SO LONG.  This class was designed to answer those questions and help you get to your author goals faster.

This class is one hour – Saturday at 10 am ET and there will be a replay of the panel session sent to all who sign up. The first 30 minute is a presentation that walks through exactly what agents do all day, how they spend their time,  what they are doing for their clients and how they choose NEW clients. Then there is a 30 minute Q&A where you can ask any of the agents all the things you have wanted to know about landing and working with an agent.

The Panelists are: Rachel McMillian, Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong, Jessica Berg, and Amy Collins.

In this class, you will learn:

1. The Duties of Literary Agents: Do literary agents play a key role in the publishing industry? Do you actually NEED one? Learn how they act as your advocate, advisor, and negotiator. Also learn when you DO NOT need an agent and what that looks like.

2. Manuscript Preparation and Submission: Understand how and IF literary agents help polish your manuscript to perfection. Learn what materials agents prepare for you vs. what materials they are going to ask YOU for.

3. Publishing Contracts and Rights Management: Agents negotiate the best deal for you. They unravel the complexities of publishing contracts with experience and insight. There is so much more to it than advances and royalties. Get the entire picture.

4. Market Trends and Publisher Connections: Does an agent’s extensive network of publisher connections increase your chances of landing a book deal? What happens in real life vs. the movies.

5. Queries: Get the REAL story on how agents feel about queries, where they find most of their clients, why it takes so long to hear back from agents you have queried.

Who Should Attend?

  • Aspiring authors seeking representation
  • Self-published authors looking to transition to traditional publishing
  • Authors with finished manuscripts of non-fiction projects who want to pitch to publishers directly without an agent
  • Writers wanting to understand the publishing industry better

Don’t miss this opportunity to “pick the brain” of three fabulous agents!





This presentation was one of the best explanations about how the publishing business works that I’ve seen in a very long time”

Sharon Michalove