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  • Writing a Plot Synopsis Without Losing Your Mind


    Do you have to write out the ENTIRE plot?

    What if there are twists I don’t want to spoil the ending with?

    How do I work with more than one point of view?

    Is a Memoir different than a Novel for doing a synopsis?

    How much do I put in? What do I leave out?

    How long should it be? How do I get started?

    There is a simple way to map out and write your plot synopsis that has been used by hundreds of successfully published authors.  Amy Collins came up with this system and has been teaching it at conferences, universities, and to authors who struggle with wrestling their entire plot lines into a few pages.

    A good plot synopsis can often make or break a submission/query. This easy step-by-step class will help you polish your existing synopsis or help you write one from scratch!

    What Will We Do During This Class?

    • Learn the easy steps to framing a synopsis
    • Go through a number of key questions to ask when starting a synopsis
    • A full explanation of what agents and editors are looking for in a plot synopsis
    • Determine if the best way to synopsize your work – by plot line or by chapter
    • Take you through the entire process and EXACTLY how to map and write your synopsis out
    • There will be a no-holds-barred class discussion and Q&A with Amy where you can ask her any and all questions