Showing all 7 results

  • Building an Online Author Platform (When You Don’t Want To Look Pushy or Salesy)


    I don’t want to email all of my friends again.

    Talking about my book online is so embarrassing. No one responds.

    How do I get followers on social media when nothing I have tried works?

    Is there a way to grow my online community and author platform without looking desperate?

    No one wants to promote themselves or their books. It is hard, embarrassing, and often feels like a complete waste of time. But it does not have to be that way. There are a few, small things you can do each week that will give you big results over time. It all starts with an understanding of how to find and connect with readers in a way that makes EVERYONE comfortable. This aspect of a writer’s career is essential. We both know that effectively marketing, selling, and promoting yourself and your work is inherently uncomfortable. But it does not have to be.

    This live class offers a sustainable plan to find fans, grow your platform, and get reviews. The tools taught will help you develop the relationships you need to achieve both your creative and financial goals.

    Whether you’re an introvert concerned about being too pushy and “salesy,” or a social gadfly with an established platform—this class will give you an actionable, individualized plan to embrace the business side of your writing career without getting overwhelmed.

    Social media does not have to be exhausting. You can use it as a research and communication tool that you can be comfortable with. Learn how to reach and connect with your readers.

    In this class, Amy Collins answer all of your questions and will show you how to:

    • Get interviewed by the press (even if you are not an expert)
    • Use online news and opinions?/to grow your name-awareness
    • Make social media fun and work FOR you instead of you having to work for it
    • Connect with an entire community of authors for support and help

    You can turn your entire author platform and book marketing around. Join us for this class and watch your platform and fan base grow.

    Sign up and even if you cannot make it that day, A full replay will be sent to everyone who signs up, so if you cannot make it live, you will have access to the recordings.

    What Will We Do During This Class?

    • Create a plan for building your author community and platform using the tools YOU feel comfortable with
    • Create a week-by-week plan with executable action steps
    • Hold a class discussion with Amy where you can ask her any questions
    • Build a planner together that you can use throughout the next year
    • Create a tracking system so you can monitor your progress
  • Endorsements, Reviews, and Blurbs Hands-on Workshop


    “I just want to say again how much I have enjoyed this class. Your professional generosity is so refreshing and valuable. I understand this is an industry of content overwhelm, but I think every single person in our class felt seen and personally guided.”

    – Pam O’Hara

  • Tackling Revisions with Focus, Clarity and a Plan- Saturday, October 26th at 10 am ET


    ““Allison is one of the most gifted writing teachers I know. She’s like a friend privately taking you aside, delivering the honest truth you need, in a way that makes you enthusiastic to keep on going, even when the work gets very hard.””

    – Jane Friedman

  • What Do Agents Actually DO? – Saturday, Sept 28th at 10 am ET

    Why does it take so long to get a response from an agent?
    Why don’t they tell me WHY they rejected my book?
    What do they actually DO for clients?


    AHA has gathered agents from different agencies and genres and brought them together to answer all of your questions. Social Media is FILLED with authors wondering WHAT WILL IT TAKE to get an agent. and WHY DOES IT TAKE SO LONG.  This class was designed to answer those questions and help you get to your author goals faster.

    This class is one hour – Saturday at 10 am ET and there will be a replay of the panel session sent to all who sign up. The first 30 minute is a presentation that walks through exactly what agents do all day, how they spend their time,  what they are doing for their clients and how they choose NEW clients. Then there is a 30 minute Q&A where you can ask any of the agents all the things you have wanted to know about landing and working with an agent.

    The Panelists are: Rachel McMillian, Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong, Jessica Berg, and Amy Collins.

    In this class, you will learn:

    1. The Duties of Literary Agents: Do literary agents play a key role in the publishing industry? Do you actually NEED one? Learn how they act as your advocate, advisor, and negotiator. Also learn when you DO NOT need an agent and what that looks like.

    2. Manuscript Preparation and Submission: Understand how and IF literary agents help polish your manuscript to perfection. Learn what materials agents prepare for you vs. what materials they are going to ask YOU for.

    3. Publishing Contracts and Rights Management: Agents negotiate the best deal for you. They unravel the complexities of publishing contracts with experience and insight. There is so much more to it than advances and royalties. Get the entire picture.

    4. Market Trends and Publisher Connections: Does an agent’s extensive network of publisher connections increase your chances of landing a book deal? What happens in real life vs. the movies.

    5. Queries: Get the REAL story on how agents feel about queries, where they find most of their clients, why it takes so long to hear back from agents you have queried.

    Who Should Attend?

    • Aspiring authors seeking representation
    • Self-published authors looking to transition to traditional publishing
    • Authors with finished manuscripts of non-fiction projects who want to pitch to publishers directly without an agent
    • Writers wanting to understand the publishing industry better

    Don’t miss this opportunity to “pick the brain” of three fabulous agents!



  • Write Fantastic Query Letters – Saturday, Sept 28th at 12 Noon ET- $99


    Are you struggling with your query email letter?

    Need help with a compelling subject line?

    Are you happy with your pitch?

    Do you want an experienced acquisition editor whose resume includes several major publishing houses to review and edit your query letter for you?

    In under two hours, you can have a well-crafted query email/letter. This class begins with a series of questions that will lead you to the most effective query letter possible. We will go step by step through the process of identifying the most unique and sellable aspects of your manuscript and focusing on them. We will address HOW to address an agent when cold-querying and go over the different ways to approach the process of introducing yourself and your work to your dream agent. Then, you will have a day to write your query letter and get personal feedback and notes on your letter with suggested edits. When we are done, you will have a polished query letter ready to go!

    What Will We Do During This Class?

      • Write various subject and log lines for maximum impact

      • Create an opening statement that will charm and keep the agent reading

      • Work with Amy on your plot overview to put the most compelling and unique aspects of your story

      • Hold a class discussion with Amy where you can ask her any and all questions

      • Offer complete and precise feedback on your query letter

      • Make sure you end up with the best query letter possible!

    In under two hours, you can have a well-crafted query email/letter. This class begins with a series of questions that will lead you to the most effective pitch possible. We will go step by step through the process of identifying the most unique and sellable aspects of your manuscript and focusing on them. We will address HOW to address an agent when cold-querying and go over the different ways to approach the process of introducing yourself and your work to your dream agent. Having taken the COMP class would be helpful but NOT necessary.

  • Writing a Plot Synopsis Without Losing Your Mind


    Do you have to write out the ENTIRE plot?

    What if there are twists I don’t want to spoil the ending with?

    How do I work with more than one point of view?

    Is a Memoir different than a Novel for doing a synopsis?

    How much do I put in? What do I leave out?

    How long should it be? How do I get started?

    There is a simple way to map out and write your plot synopsis that has been used by hundreds of successfully published authors.  Amy Collins came up with this system and has been teaching it at conferences, universities, and to authors who struggle with wrestling their entire plot lines into a few pages.

    A good plot synopsis can often make or break a submission/query. This easy step-by-step class will help you polish your existing synopsis or help you write one from scratch!

    What Will We Do During This Class?

    • Learn the easy steps to framing a synopsis
    • Go through a number of key questions to ask when starting a synopsis
    • A full explanation of what agents and editors are looking for in a plot synopsis
    • Determine if the best way to synopsize your work – by plot line or by chapter
    • Take you through the entire process and EXACTLY how to map and write your synopsis out
    • There will be a no-holds-barred class discussion and Q&A with Amy where you can ask her any and all questions
  • Your Book’s Path from Manuscript to Book Deal


    “This presentation was one of the best explanations about how the publishing business works that I’ve seen in a very long time”

    Sharon Michalove